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About the Linsdale Singers

The Linsdale Singers

The Linsdale Singers is a chamber choir specialising in singing unaccompanied choral music, the Choir also performs works that are accompanied by piano/organ or a chamber orchestra. This established choir enjoys a reputation for high quality choral singing in the Leighton Buzzard and Linslade area of Bedfordshire, but their reputation also spreads far beyond this area as they have spent many successful weekends singing in British cathedrals and other churches as well as occasional trips abroad.


The membership of the Linsdale Singers comprises a musical director and about 30 people of varying ages split into 1st and 2nd sopranos, 1st and 2nd contraltos, 1st and 2nd tenors and 1st and 2nd basses. There are no fixed numbers in any voice part, and numbers fluctuate slightly as people move in and out of the town, retire from the choir, or go on to college/university. Select the ‘Joining’ menu item to find out about joining the Singers. The Choir offers a limited number of choral scholarships to young singers aged 16–20. Contact us to find out more about these exciting opportunities for gaining experience of singing in a chamber choir.

Repertoire and performances

The Singers’ repertoire covers all styles of choral music both sacred and secular from the 14th century right up to the present day. Although the choir sings mostly unaccompanied music, occasionally they tackle a larger work accompanied by organ or a small orchestra. Often a year’s series of local concerts would include a concert of mostly serious unaccompanied sacred music, a concert featuring a more substantial work accompanied by organ or a small orchestra and a more lighthearted concert including madrigals, folksongs and close harmony arrangements. In addition to this core series of local concerts, the Choir will give other concerts and sing in services as the opportunities arise, including a weekend singing the serivces in a British cathedral or minster (see below).


Most performances take place in the Leighton Buzzard/Linslade area of Bedfordshire. There are two principal venues: All Saints Church in Leighton Buzzard (venue details) and the nearby St. Barnabas Church in Linslade (venue details).

The Linsdale Singers also venture further afield, and over the years, under its conductor Dennis Pim, the Choir has spread its musical wings, and has given many concerts in and around the Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire area. In addition, once a year, usually towards the end of July, the Choir sings in the weekend services at a major British cathedral or minster. These have included Winchester, Hereford, Ely, Norwich, Lincoln, Worcester, Peterborough, Exeter, Chichester, Gloucester, Salisbury, Portsmouth, Sherbourne and Christchurch. These weekends away are great fun – both musically and socially – and are very popular with the Choir members.

Visits abroad are arranged from time to time. In 2004, the Choir sang at the Engelse Kerk, Amsterdam (English Church, c. 1419) and in 2006 it visited Titisee-Neustadt, the twin town of Leighton-Linslade in the southern Black Forest of Germany.